Four-Tier Multiple Choice Test Characterized by Local Wisdom Values for Analyzing Critical Thinking Skills

Zuafatun Ni'mah, Qisthi Fariyani, Agus Sudarmanto


This study aims to develop a four-tier multiple choice test instrument characterized by the values of local wisdom to describe the characteristics of the instrument, determine the validity and reliability of the instrument, determine the characteristics of items, and analyze the critical thinking skills of class X students on Momentum and Impulse material. This research is Research and Development (R&D) and uses the Borg and Gall development model. The research methods used included interviews, tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The four levels of the four-tier multiple choice test instrument consist of: multiple choice questions, answer confidence level, reason choice, and reason confidence level. Validity testing by the three validators obtained the result that the instrument developed was valid. Reliability testing shows that the developed question instrument is reliable with the acquisition of a value of 0.946. The test questions consist of 14 questions in the medium category and 7 questions in the difficult category. The difference in power index is 0.22 to 0.53 which consists of 11 good enough questions, 6 good questions, and 4 very good questions. Overall results of critical thinking skills of students 11.93% in the very critical category, 5.93% in the critical category, 12.2% in the less critical category type 1A (LC1A), 10.87% in the less critical category type 1B ( LC1B), 8.56% in the less critical category type 2A (LC2A), 9% in the less critical category type 2B (LC2B), and 41.36% in the non-critical category.

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