JURNAL PENELITIAN (ISSN:1693-6019; E-ISSN: 2477-6580) is an journal dedicated to the study of socio-religious field. JURNAL PENELITIAN is published twice a year by the Research Center and Community Service (LPPM) State Islamic Institute of Kudus (IAIN Kudus), Indonesia. This journal seeks to provide a venue for sharing new empirical research and theoretical analysis of intersections between religion and society from various disciplines covering education, law, economics, communication, culture and other disciplines related to religious and social studies.
Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Jurnal Penelitian should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are recommended to be written in good English or Bahasa Indonesia.
Vol 18, No 1 (2024): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Table of Contents
Pemberdayaan Remaja Berbasis Masjid (Studi pada Masjid Jogokariyan Yogyakarta)
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.25056
Rochanah Rochanah, Nevy Rusmarina Dewi
Transformasi Sosial Keagamaan Pada Sistem Pertanian Masyarakat Desa Jungpasir Kecamatan Wedung Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.25628
Muhammad Fathur Rahman, Ratna Istriyani
Coldplay Concert Rejection in Indonesia An Analysis of Islamic Identity Mobilization
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.25148
Muhammad Faris Ibrahim
Peningkatan Kecerdasan Majemuk Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Teknologi Pembelajaran
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.28504
Retno Susilowati, Novita Pancaningrum
Analisis Faktor Spiritualitas Islam, Kebutuhan Psikologis Dasar dan Motivasi Otonom Guru Terhadap Mutu Madrasah di Lampung Tengah
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.29648
Dedi Andrianto
Fundamentalisme dan Radikalisme Beragama Perspektif Agama dan Teori Sosial
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.27505
Naufal Azmi Izzuddin, Halimatussa’diyah Halimatussa’diyah, Maulida Nur Fadhliyah, Roibin Roibin
Reformasi Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Di Muhammadiyah (Implementasi Lima Disiplin Senge dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam)
DOI : 10.21043/jp.v18i1.29647
Zulkipli Jemain, Rulitawati Rulitawati, Saffanah Hilyah Dienie