Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran “GREATER” pada Pembelajaran Kimia sebagai Upaya Penanaman Literasi Sains Peserta Didik

Diah Fahmawati


Development of "Greater" Learning Model on Chemistry Learning as an Effort to Embed Students' Science Literacy. This study aimed producing a learning models named GREATER (Gear Up, Read, Explore, Analyze, Tell, Elaborate, Reflection) to foster the scientific literacy. The research method was Research and Development used simplified Borg and Gall consisting of two stages, research and development. Phase I includes 1) a field study and 2) study of literature producing factual models. Phase II includes 1) planning the design of the product, 2) validation expert, 3) revision I, 4) small-scale trials, 5) revision II, 6) a limited scale trials and 7) effectiveness test. The products included manual book, lesson plans, worksheets, reading material and KWHLAQ chart and achievement test. The research population were one class in SMA PGRI 1 Maospati and two classes in SMAN 1 Sukomoro. The instrument were the scientific literacy test, observation sheets, questionnaires. The results showed 1)  expert validatition was obtained a valid scores meaning that the model was considered feasible to be applied in classroom setting. 2) empirically, showed the pretest and post score showed increase from 35.16% to 62.23% of students who answered correctly, while the percentage of students who answered “do not know” down from 19.43% to 12.63%. Model GREATER effective at improving the student’s scientific literacy and they become more familiar with the scientific phenomena, variable scientific investigation and interpreting data.

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