Analysis of teachers' understanding of epistemic beliefs and implications for learning science based-on SSI

Eka Safitri, Wirawan Fadly


The 21st century is becoming a century of globalization. Still, the 2022 PISA survey states that Indonesian students have low science literacy, ranked 64 out of 81 countries. Hence, it is necessary to develop scientific knowledge and epistemic beliefs not to be left behind by the times. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and level of teacher understanding of epistemic beliefs and implications for learning science based on socio-scientific issues. The research used a qualitative study, and data were collected through interviews, observations, and tests. Eight science teachers responded to be analyzed using the constant comparison method by applying Nvivo media to support data analysis. The results showed relatively few teachers have an epistemic understanding of science learning. Hence, teachers generally believe that scientific inquiry must begin with questions and that the perceptions and biases of researchers strongly influence scientific conclusions. The novelty of this research lies in the research design and efforts that can be applied to improve the epistemic understanding of teachers, namely by presenting programs for pre-service and in-service teachers, providing regular workshops, and offering internships or research experiences to science teachers.

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