Development of science literacy competency evaluation instruments on human circulatory topic

Esty Setyo Utaminingsih, Ellianawati Ellianawati, Sri Sumartiningsih, FR Wuriningsih, Maria Ayu Puspita


Teachers in elementary schools have not developed many science literacy problems so the science literacy competence of students has not been evaluated clearly and accurately. The purpose of this study is to develop a science literacy evaluation instrument and find out the feasibility of the developed instrument. The development of instruments in this study used a combination of Wilson and Oriondo and Antonio models. The instrument development steps include (1) test design, (2) test trials, and (3) test assembly. The sample number is 31 students. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The content validation test by four experts based on the Aiken assessment formula obtained a validity value of 0.9813 which means it is declared "valid" or worthy of use. Instrument validation is empirically declared "valid" and has an r value above 0.355. The value of all items is declared reliable with multiple-choice questions having a reliable value of 0.743, short-fill questions 0.744, and description questions 0.738. The results of the difference power analysis, the value of the Corrected Item-Total Correlation does not exceed the value of Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted and has a "good" difference power interpretation value. Analysis of the difficulty level of the question items shows that the questions vary with the ideal level of difficulty with an easy comparison: medium: difficult which is 3: 5: 2. It can be concluded that overall the science literacy question items are in good condition and feasible for measuring students' science literacy competence.

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