Developing a chatbot in quantities, denomination, and measurement: an artificial intelligence-based teaching materials

Vidya Setyaningrum, Erlina Erlina, Nuchsara Choksuansup Thongsan


The material of quantities, denomination, and measurement which are considered less interesting and difficult to understand. This is due to the content and structure of the material which does require prior knowledge to be understood so it seems difficult and a lot of prior knowledge and many abstract concepts. Based on this study, the solution that can be given is to develop a digital-based teaching material for science subjects in the form of a Chatbot. This study aims to develop a chatbot as a digital teaching material based on artificial intelligence in quantities, denomination, and measurement material. This research is development research using the 4D model. Data were collected using test and student response questionnaires. Data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistic. The developed chatbot validated by experts in terms of material, software, and language. The chatbot developed was then disseminated to 65 PGMI IAIN Pontianak students. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the chatbot of quantity, denomination, and measurement material has high validity. The result showed that students’ give the positive responses about the display, content and utilization of the chatbot. Based on the results of the calculation of N-gain obtained the result of 0.3. This means that the effectiveness of using chatbot is in the medium category. Therefore, this chatbot quantity, denomination, and measurement material is suitable for use as teaching material in college level.

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