Student Sustainability Disposition: Where Are Students’ Levels?

Nanda Syah Putra, Anna Permanasari, Desi Desmiawati


Education for sustainability development (ESD) is a way to realize that every individual lives interdependently with each other and their environment. Research has been conducted with survey methods to reveal the level of students’ disposition/attitude to sustainable living, being a basis for the development of appropriate learning.  The research sample was 95 students at SMPN Garut. The data in this study is primary data, which is obtained directly from the research subject. The research was conducted by delivering questionnaires to students consisting of 51 closed question items. The results of the study obtained the average of student disposition score from several ESD themes, namely the environment, waste, water, energy, natural disasters, and health respectively is 2.99, 3.15, 3.24, 3.11, 3.08 and 3.33. The average of these all themes is 3.15.  Based on this study, the results were obtained that students' sustainability disposition/attitude are at a high level. The positive response given by students shows the attitude of students who support the efforts to realize sustainable development. In this case, there is no guarantee if someone who have good sustainability disposition will have good sustainability practice. Sustainable disposition/attitude must be supported by sustainable behaviors and practices so that sustainable living goals can be achieved. The last, Indonesia government can make the policy and guidelines related to how to do effective sustainability education in Indonesia to support sustainability awareness of students and society.

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