Prinsip dan Metode Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Ahmad Atabik


This article describes the principles and methods of early childhood
education. The first discussions will start from the understanding of children,
early childhood and early childhood education principles, urgency and methods
of application. Early childhood education is education before primary education
which is an approach to development that is intended for children from birth to
the age of six. This education is done through the provision of education to help
the growth stimuli entering further education, which was held in formal, nonformal
and informal. In early childhood education methods are needed in order to
study the effects and on target. Learning in early childhood requires unique and
creative methodology. The role of a teacher is needed in educating children and
explores the potential of students. From here teachers in early childhood education
is seen not only as caregivers and counselors, but the teacher is required to meet
the standards of the teaching profession. Children’s education must begin from an
early age, Islam emphasizes education begins since a child is born; it is based on
the teaching of the Prophet told his community that advocates for azan when the
new baby is born.


Principles, Methods, early childhood

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