The Effect of Steam Loading Distance Learning on Creative Character and Independence

Dina Amalia, Joko Sutarto, Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of STEAM-charged distance learning on creative character and independence in several PAUD in Central Java. This research is descriptive quantitative research, with a survey approach. The population and samples in this study were teachers and parents (n=140) in several PAUD in Central Java. Based on data processing and analysis that STEAM loaded distance learning has mostly been implemented in several PAUD in Central Java. Based on the results of the hypothesis test calculation obtained the value of creative character Fvalue of 125,851 and Fvalue independence of 78,082 so that the results obtained that STEAM loaded distance learning affects the creative character and independence, with the hope that the child is more effective and able to solve the problems faced. Obstacles in this study include many parents who do not understand the task of child development and the process of distance learning of children, so this article seeks to explain the importance of strengthening STEAM charged distance learning in children so that the child has an effective learning experience to improve creative character and independence, it can be done by improving cooperation between teachers and parents.


STEAM, Creative Character, Independence

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