Interactive Multimedia by Stimulating Visual-Spatial Intelligence Trial

Qurrota Ainyn, Kusumawati Dwiningsih


Covalent bonding is an abstract and unobservable therefore it is necessary to develop interactive multimedia which present visualization in three dimension (3D) as an aid to represent unobservable matter. This study focuses on investigating the effectiveness of interactive multimedia by stimulating visual spatial intelligence on the covalent bond that has been developed. This study is according to the Research and Development model based on Sugiyono’s model including finding potential & problem, collecting data, product design, product validation, product revision and limited to product trials (Stage 6). The effectiveness of interactive multimedia is examined from the improvement of student learning outcomes after using interactive multimedia.  N-gain results shows that interactive multimedia was effective to enhance learning outcomes. The results showed that 81.2% of students in high category and 18.2% in the medium category. This study shows that there is an increase in student learning outcomes after using interactive multimedia by stimulating visual-spatial intelligence

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