Technology-enabled active learning simulations (TEALSim) on distance learning of physics

Ahmad Swandi, Sri Rahmadhanningsih, Sparisoma Viridi


The effect of the spread of the Coronavirus 2019 has an impact on the implementation of face-to-face learning to distance learning. So that the learning that applies in Indonesia today needs to be supported by the right technology and supporting teaching materials. The selection of appropriate and interesting media will have a good impact on the quality of distance learning. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of the use of Technology-Enabled Active Learning Simulation (TEALSim) which is rich in interactive simulations and videos in physics learning and to determine the correlation between student perceptions of learning outcomes. With 26 students as respondents who were selected by random sampling. After using TEALSim, students fill out a questionnaire via google form that has been developed and validated by experts and then students take a concept understanding test. Based on the analysis, it shows that the majority of students have a perception with a percentage above 80% which is in the good category and in general is in the very good category. Besides, there is a good correlation between student perceptions and learning outcome data which is indicated by a correlation value of 0.7.

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