The Relationship between Ecological Intelligence and Media Exposure with Environmentally Friendly Behaviour

Mochamad Ali Chomaini, Agung Purwanto, Sihadi Darmo Wihardjo


The environment in Indonesia is one of the world's centers of biodiversity, known as a mega-biodiversity country. The high diversity does not make Indonesia contribute significantly to environmental improvement. One of the factors that causes it is human behaviour. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent and minimize these behaviours by increasing human resources through the application of ecological intelligence and media exposure to create environmentally friendly behaviour. This research aims to measure the level of ecological intelligence, media exposure, and environmentally friendly behaviour of students and to analyze the relationship between ecological intelligence and media exposure with environmentally friendly behaviour among private junior high school students in DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted at SMP Labschool Kebayoran, SMP Istiqlal Jakarta, and SMP Laboratorium Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The method used is quantitative through correlational studies. Sampling was done by cluster random sampling and obtained 90 students. Data collection was carried out using ecological intelligence instruments, media exposure, and environmentally friendly behaviour, then analyzed by normality and homogeneity tests. The results show us that media exposure contributes more than ecological intelligence to form environmentally friendly behaviour.

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