Development of Biodiversity Subject-Specific Pedagogy (SSP) Containing Local Potential and Bio-economy to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles

Iseu Laelasari, Muzayyidatul Habibah


The aims of this study was to develop biodiversity learning device as Subject-Specific Padagogy (SSP) containing local potential to strengthen Pancasila Student Profile. The researchers used Research and Development with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) design. The instruments used were interview sheets, validation questionnaires for curriculum experts, content experts and media experts to determine the validity of the product, as well as questionnaires  for biology teachers and pre-service biology teachers as users to determine the suitability of the product with 4 Likert scales. The scores obtained were analyzed descriptively to determine the average value of product validity and feasibility. The research results show that the average validity value for the curriculum relevance aspect is 3.85, the content aspect is 3.61, and the media aspect is 3.70, with valid criteria. The results of trial assessment of biology teachers and pre-service biology teachers show that the criteria are suitable for use with average scores of 3.73 and 3.77. Other findings revealed that biodiversity SSP were developed more specifically to strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles, namely a project module with a local wisdom theme which focused on projects to preserve traditional food and an entrepreneurship theme which focused on the project of processing Muria coffee skin waste into more efficient products and selling value, as a form of optimizing local potential and developing the community's bioeconomy. The activities in this project module are seen as potential in strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles.

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