Structural Relationship Model of Conception, Understanding, and Self-Efficacy about STEM Education among Pre-Service Science Teachers
Indonesia. The term STEM combines four different disciplines namely Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education is a concern because it is
relevant to be implemented and forms 21st century skills. This makes pre-service teacher
need to understand STEM education in order to apply it to learning correctly. There are
three aspects that influence the conception, understanding, and self-efficacy of pre
service science teachers. Therefore, research was conducted with the aim of analyzing
the relationship between conception, understanding, and self-efficacy of pre-service
science teachers towards STEM education. This study uses Quantitative Descriptive
Research Design because it aims to describe and illustrate the relationship model
between conception and understanding of self-efficacy in STEM education from the
pre-service of Science Education study program students, Semarang State University.
Based on the research that has been conducted, a structural relationship model between
conception and understanding of STEM education self-efficacy among pre-service
science teachers is obtained. In the model, simultaneously the conception variable and
the understanding variable affect the STEM education self-efficacy of pre-service
science teachers, where a higher contribution is given by the conception variable. In
conclusion, conception and understanding affect the self-efficacy of science teacher
candidates in STEM education.
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