Metacognitive Awareness, Problem-based Learning integrated science-environment-technology-society (SETS) toward creativity thinking

Wisnu Juli Wiono, Ismi Rakhmawati, Dewi Sinta Rahayu


This research aims to describe students' metacognitive awareness and creative thinking abilities after implementing integrated science-environment-technology-society (SETS) problem-based learning. This research is a quasi-experiment using a non-equivalent control group design. Data was collected by distributing metacognitive awareness questionnaires and creative thinking ability tests. The research results show that the SETS integrated problem-based learning model has a significant effect on students' creative thinking abilities. Mapping of metacognitive awareness shows that students in the experimental class are at developed, high and excellent levels. Furthermore, analysis between metacognitive awareness and creative thinking ability descriptively shows that more than half of the students at the 'high' level consist of those in the medium and high creative thinking categories. Therefore, teachers are advised to actively identify problems around students and organize them systematically based on problem-based learning syntax in order to effectively achieve creative thinking skills and metacognitive awareness.

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