Development of problem-based learning virtual laboratory on human digestive system material to improve digital literacy and critical thinking students

Wanda Agus Prasetya, Anggi Tias Pratama, Wulan Safitri


This research was conducted to know the characteristics of the media and produce a feasible, practical, and effective problem-based learning virtual laboratory application to improve digital literacy and critical thinking skills of grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok Yogyakarta. This research is a research and development using the ADDIE model, which involves analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Field trials were conducted by the quasi-experimental method using a pretest-posttest control group design. A total of 72 students from two classes XI of SMA Negeri 1 Depok Yogyakarta became the subjects of field trials, divided into control classes (36 students) and experimental classes (36 students), with the application of cluster sampling techniques. Data was collected through digital literacy observation sheets and critical thinking skills test questions and then analyzed using the Manova test. The results showed that; (1) Virtual laboratories based on problem-based learning developed have the characteristics of interactive, collaborative, and emphasize independent/group research, which can motivate students by providing new learning experiences. (2) this media is suitable to be used from the aspect of media and material to improve digital literacy and critical thinking skills of students with very good categories, (3) and practical in improving digital literacy and critical thinking skills of students with very good categories, (4) and effective in improving these two aspects, by the results of the MANOVA test which indicate a significant difference In the application of these media to digital literacy and critical thinking skills of students.

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