Utilizing standardized test and certainty of response index (CRI): science olympiad preparation cases

Ogi Danika Pranata, Nobel Marshal


This study focuses on Earth Science Olympiad prepation through assistance activities and utilizing a standardized test known as The Earth Science Standards Test. The assistance activities consisted of ten sessions, including pre-test, face-to-face learning, and post-test. Quantitative methods with a pre-test and post-test design were applied. The study evaluated the increase in students' scores using the N-Gain. Additionally, students were asked to indicate their level of confidence or Certainty of Response Index (CRI). Results revealed that the average pre-test score was low (46.03), suggesting that students' prior knowledge of Earth science was limited. However, after participating in the assistance activities, students demonstrated improvement, as evidenced by the average post-test score (69.29) and a moderate N-Gain score (0.41). Individual student improvements were also classified as moderate, except for one student (E). The study further analyzed the correlation between students' answers and their levels of confidence using either the Pearson test or Spearman's rho. Overall, a significant and strong correlation was observed (r = 0.628, ρ = 0.000). However, only students B, D, and F showed a significant relationship between their post-test scores and CRI. This indicates that the level of student confidence does not guarantee high scores on the test, although this pattern holds true for several students. In conclusion, format of the test used in Olympiad preparation plays a crucial role in students' performance. Further research are recommended to extend the use of standardized tests to assess students' understanding in various science learning and better understand and address factors impacting students' performance and confidence in science learning and olympiad.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thabiea.v6i2.22048


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