Development of Problem-Based Interactive E-Modules to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Concepts

Yuyun Yuliani, Prasetyorini Djarot, Rita Retnowati


This interactive E-module development research aims to improve students' critical thinking skills and mastery of problem-based concepts on digestive system material. The research method used is R&D (Research and Development) with a qualitative descriptive approach. The software needed to develop this E-module is Articulate Storyline 3. The validation results from the assessment of students obtained the percentage of material in the E-module by 90%, the contribution of problem-based interactive E-module to improve thinking skills and mastery of concepts by 89.92%, and the ease of operation of problem-based interactive E-module by 89.11%. So that the average percentage is 89.67, where the presentation shows a very decent category. Thus, problem-based interactive E-modules to improve students' critical thinking skills and mastery of concepts on digestive system material are worthy of being used as a source of learning for learners.

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