Use of augmented reality learning media to improve higher-order thinking skills in kinematics material

Rudi Haryadi, Heni Pujiastuti


This study aims to analyze the effect of using augmented reality (AR) on higher-order thinking skills of high school students in kinematics material. In addition, students' opinions about this application were examined. The research method used is a mixed method with The Embedded Design model. The population in this study were all 11th-grade students, totaling 200 students divided into five classes. Furthermore, the sample was selected by purposive sampling of 80 students from grade 11 of SMAN 4 Kota Serang. This study will be divided into two, namely, the experimental class and the control class. The experimental class used AR applications during kinematics learning activities, while the traditional method was used for the control class, namely, not using AR applications during kinematics learning activities. The results show that students have higher-order thinking skills than the control group. This result is proven by the N-Gain value, namely in the experimental class; the AR application learning process has an N-Gain value of 0.69. In the control class, the learning process without using the AR application has an N-Gain value of 0.48. The students who participated in AR learning stated that they were motivated and felt happy learning kinematics. The implications of this study indicate that using AR applications is considered effective as a medium for learning kinematics material.

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