PjBL online in ecological learning to improve student's problem-solving skills
Implementation of PjBL will be more flexible and efficient if implemented online. Students develop ecological problem-solving projects around where students live and students can also report on the progress of their projects in their respective homes. Online learning is sought so that students can improve their skills to solve real problems in the surrounding environment. This type of research is classroom action research using the Kemmis and McTaggart model which consists of 3 cycles. This research was conducted at the Tadris IPA Study Program, IAIN Kudus for four months from February to June with the research subjects being 38 B class students. The data in this study were collected using observation guidelines for the implementation of learning and student’s problem-solving skills. The results of observations of problem-solving skills were 66.58% in cycle I, 80.72% in cycle II, and 92.44% in cycle III. This indicates an increase in problem-solving skills in students through the application of the PjBL online in ecological learning. In addition, student activity also increases in the application of this learning. The activeness of students in the first cycle was 48.63%, in the second cycle it was 77.53% and in the third cycle, it was 87.6%. In addition, 82% of students gave a positive response to learning for each question item. Enthusiastic students are actively involved in developing PjBL online in ecological learning to solve real environmental problems.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thabiea.v7i1.20193
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