Investigating science learning assessment standards on Indonesian 2013 curriculum

Anak Agung Inten Paraniti, I Wayan Subagia, Dewa Ayu Puspawati, Ni Wayan Ekayanti


Learning assessment is an activity that aims to collect and process information to measure the achievement of students’ learning process. The results of this assessment are then used as a basis for evaluating the learning process to improve learning in the future. The assessment process in the 2013 curriculum was carried out thoroughly on three aspects, namely attitudes, knowledge, and skills, which in its implementation still encountered several obstacles. This study aims to conduct a thorough investigation of 3 aspects of the science learning assessment standards in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. This type of research is a mixed method with a convergent parallel design. The survey method was carried out by providing questionnaires to 65 science and biology teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels through a google form. The exploratory study was conducted with interview techniques through a purposive sampling of nine teachers representing each level of education. Based on the results of the survey, it was found that teachers need special attention to be able to train and improve disciplinary attitudes, and critical thinking skills of students at every stage at school levels.  The results of a thorough investigation into the assessment standards in science learning show that there are several indicators need special attention from teachers to be trained more intensely and improved, those are critical thinking, metacognitive and student self regulatory/indepence. The assessment obstacle faced by teachers is mainly the adjustment of time in the assessment process with basic competencies which must be completed.

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