A Systematic Review on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Utilizing Science Learning Technology at the Indonesian Junior High School Level

Ro'i Khatul Jannah, Muhamad Imaduddin


Knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and content needs to be mastered by teachers comprehensively. This research is systematic review research with the type of meta-synthesis which aims to describe the implementation of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and its integration with technology in science learning at the junior high school level based on research carried out in Indonesia. The data is sourced from publications indexed on the SINTA page ranked 1-6 in 2016-2020. Data collection used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. Analysis of articles related to topics used categorization on Pedagogical Content Knowledge which includes (1) Orientation to teaching science (OTS), (2) Knowledge of instructional strategies for teaching science (KIS), (3) Knowledge of student understanding in science (KSU), (4) Knowledge of curriculum (KC), (5) Knowledge of assessment of science learning (KAS). A total of 23 scientific articles were obtained from 21 scientific journals consisting of five articles indexed at level 4, four articles at level 3, eleven articles indexed in journals ranked 2, and three articles in journals ranked 1. OTS showed dominance in the didactic aspect [N=5]. KIS was dominated by the tendency of problem-solving strategies [N=3], KSU lead to teachers' understanding of students' motivation and interest [N=4], and understanding of students' abilities [N=4]. The KC identified showed the dominance of knowledge in the horizontal curriculum [N=6]. KAS shows the direction of knowledge which is dominated by formative assessment [N=16]. Utilization of technology used in the teaching and learning process takes various forms including weblog [N=1], interactive digital [N=1], ICT [N=1], Edmodo [1], audiovisual [N=1], virtual lab [N =2], smartphone [N=2], Macromedia flash [N=3], Power point [N=3], STEM Project [7].

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thabiea.v5i2.19324


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