Global Trend of Science Edutainment Research in The Last Ten Years

Faiq Makhdum Noor, Ayu Rahayu


Science edutainment study trend is increasing every year. Science edutainment makes learning more interesting and interactive for student. The increasing number of science edutainment studies requires efforts to understand the patterns, novelties, research trends, and the potential areas of research in the future. This research was conducted on December 23, 2022. This study aims to analyze research trends, document types, document sources, most productive researchers, most used languages on documents, most contributing countries and affiliations, and also a visualization map of research trends over the past ten years. This bibliometric research and literature review uses metadata from Scopus database and mapping visualization of bibliometric by VOSviewer programs. Bibliometric results show that research trends of science edutainment tend to increase over the last ten years from 2013 to 2022. The most widely available document types are article types and document sources are available in journal types. The region that produces the most documents is the United States while Indonesia is one of the regions producing science edutainment documents in eighth. The affiliation institution that produces the most documents is Universiti Utara Malaysia. While the top prolific author is Naoyuki Kubota from Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. There are six clusters by the visualization of VOSviewer software focus on keyword that are students, social media, virtual reality, internet, effectiveness, and digital tools. Meanwhile, the opportunity and potential for future researchers to conduct science edutainment research are keywords that are few found, such as physics, ICT (Information, Communication, Technology), and learning models.

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