Development of Vodcast on Thermodynamics embedded with PhET Simulation for Enhanced Learning

Marjorie Macamay Villaruz, Carl Jay D. Mahinay, Kent John B. Tutor, Sotero O. Malayao Jr.


The study was conducted intentionally to develop, evaluate, and do small-scale implementation of vodcast on thermodynamics as supplementary material. The study employed Research & Development framework of ADDIE model which includes the stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The sample size involved 12 in-service teachers who made the evaluation and 24 students in an online class during pandemic as the implementation part. The subsequent iterations produced significantly improved vodcast output, which was ultimately divided into three parts and made available to students via an unlisted YouTube account as the implementation platform. Teacher evaluations earned an overall score of 3.98, which is satisfactory, with an average grade of 4.36 (very satisfactory) for content, 3.65 (satisfactory) for delivery, and 3.94 (satisfactory) for technical production. All descriptive comments were accommodated into the final version of the vodcast and the Department of Education-approved required module was supplemented with the vodcast by volunteer respondents who participated in the online implementation. The enactment yielded an average pretest percentage of 40.833% and post-test percentage of 73.467% that correspond to a normalized gain of <g> = 0.55 that is a medium gain. Reflection of in-service teachers revealed that the vodcast can be a stand-alone material in learning thermodynamics. As conclusion, using properly calibrated vodcasts can efficiently augment learning in difficult physics courses. It is recommended that vodcast be made on other topics in order to come up with an archive of readily-implementable vodcast in physics as well as other science subjects for a very effective STEM learning.

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