Multiple Representation Ability of High School Students in Physics: A Study of Modern Response Theory

Muh. Asriadi AM, Edi Istiyono


Physics education emphasizes students' ability to represent a problem and then choose alternative solutions from various perspectives. However, teachers still very rarely use this ability as the focus of assessment. The purpose of this study is to describe the results of an assessment of the ability to represent multiple physics in each of its components. This is survey research that takes a quantitative approach. This study's sample included 287 high school students from Yogyakartam using cluster sampling. The instrument used is a physics multiple representation ability test that has been tested for validity, reliability, and item quality using IRT 1 PL analysis. According to the measurement results, physics high school students' dual representation ability in all aspects, namely mathematical representation, graphic representation, image representation, and verbal representation, is in the low category. However, according to the four existing components, the mathematical component is the highest and the verbal component is the lowest. So this finding can be a reference for teachers in improving the quality of physics teaching.

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