Inorganic Chemistry Textbook-Integrated Science and Religion as Characteristics of Islamic Higher Education

M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri, Noor Fadiawati


Nowadays, studies related to the integration between religion and science were attracting the interest of many researchers from religious universities in order to confirm the paradigm of the general public about the dichotomy between religion and science. This study used the ADDIE instructional design to develop an inorganic chemistry textbook that was integrated with science and religion, describing the textbook's characteristics as well as responses from lecturers and students about the developed textbook. This textbook's features are based on chemical representations (macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic) and are integrated with Qur’an verses and research findings. Validators have given an excellent assessment of the aspects of construction, readability, content suitability, and presentation of the material from the developed textbook with percentages of 100%, 92.5%, 96.88%, and 88.57%, respectively. Lecturers have responded favorably to aspects of content suitability and presentation, as well as attractiveness and usefulness. The graphic aspect, as well as the attractiveness, have elicited very positive responses from students. Based on this, the developed textbooks could be approved for use.

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