Developing Impulse & Momentum Mobile App to Improving Student's Conceptual Understanding of Physics

Betti Ses Eka Polonia, Ahmad Ravi


Impulse and momentum mobile app can be another alternative to overcome the problem of using printed teaching materials. Impulse and momentum mobile app present concepts accompanied by examples in everyday life in images, animations, and videos. It can reduce students' difficulties in connecting concepts or materials with phenomena. The difficulties experienced by these students can have an impact negative on students' understanding of physics concepts. The impulse and momentum mobile app shows valid results with an average value of 3.32. Comments and suggestions from the validator are considered as revision material so that impulse and momentum multimedia teaching materials in mobile applications are better, more attractive, worthy of being tested for effectiveness. The mobile app needs to be revised based on comments and suggestions given by physics lecturers and teachers. The improvement of students' understanding of physics concepts is shown by testing the effectiveness of multimedia teaching materials in the experimental class and class control. In the analysis of the different tests with t-test, which involved 70 student respondents, the value of t count is 19.587 with t table of 1.99. P-value is p = 0.000, where the P-value is smaller than 0.05. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in post-test value data on the ability to understand concepts between the experimental class and the control class. These results indicate that impulse and momentum mobile app effectively improves the ability to understand concepts of student physics.

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