Developing Students’ Research Skills with Adapted Primary Literature

Toni Hidayat, Nuryani Rustaman, Parsaoran Siahaan


There is a gap between the quantity and quality of research in Indonesia. It is assumed that the research skills of the researchers are still low. Meanwhile, research skills development still relies on the higher education level. Efforts are needed to develop research skills from an early age. This study aims to examine the use of APL in the authentic science approach to develop research skills of junior high school students. The quasi-experimental method was carried out by inviting 81 students from two classes of 7th grade in a state middle school in Bandung, Indonesia. They analyzed three Adapted Primary Literatures with the jigsaw and NHT models. Before and after learning, students took research skills tests. The research instrument has passed the validity and reliability tests. Descriptive and inferential analyses were done. The results of data analysis indicate that the use of APL in the authentic science approach in both learning models can develop students' research skills. Furthermore, the jigsaw model is more recommended to use. This study recommends the use of APL as a science learning resource to develop students' research skills as a beginning to introduce the scientific method.

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