Analysis of Science Literacy Teaching Book Class XI at SMA Negeri Surakarta on Acid-Base Material

Nanda Putri Pertiwi, Nanik Dwi Nurhayati, Sulistyo Saputro


This descriptive research aims to explain the scope of scientific literacy in chemistry textbooks used in Surakarta. This research data are in the form of quantity from 4 categories of scientific literacy with 26 subcategories as indicators of grouping text units in textbook analysis. The data sources in this study were five textbooks for class XI with different publishers. The technique of taking the object of research uses a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of data analysis based on the category of scientific literacy, the average results of the proportion of scientific literacy are obtained as follows: (1) Science as a body of knowledge was 69.98% (2 ) Science as a way of an investigation by 14.43% (3) Science as a way of thinking by 10.63% (4) Interaction of science with technology and society by 4.98%. The results of the fulfilment of the scientific literacy category in book A have a ratio of the category of science as knowledge: science as a way of investigation: interaction of science, technology, and society: category of science as a way of thinking that is 9:1:1:1. The ratio in book B is 6:2:0:1, the ratio in book C is 4:2:0:1, the ratio in book D is 9:0:0:1, and the ratio in book E is 6:2:1: 1. Therefore, from the results of this study, the recommended textbook for use is the book E because it includes aspects of scientific literacy that are complete and more balanced than the other four books.

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