Students’ Environmental Literacy: Environment Education Assisted E-Booklet on Biodiversity Gegas Dam Indonesia Context

Euis Nursa'adah, Budi Maryani, Aceng Ruyani


Indonesia is one of the world's mega biodiversity needs to be preserved, due to estimated the extinction rate of one species is estimated at 10,000 times per year caused by human activity. Various efforts have been made by various sectors to preserve the environment, including in education through Environmental Education (EE). This research aim to implement Environmental Literacy (EL) domain in Biodiversity learning assisted validated e-booklet (CVR0,67) to enhance student knowledge, cognitive skills (identification of issues, analysis of issues, and action plans), attitude (verbal commitment, environmental sensitivity, and feelings towards the environment), and responsible behavior towards the environment. The EL domains related to real context of biodiversity in Gegas Dam is implemented in order to avoid the availability of disconnecting youth generation with their native biodiversity. Data analysis and identification of diversity- diversity index, homogeneity, dominance and correlation among chemical-physical environmental factors- are presented in an e-booklet to strengthen students' knowledge and cognitive skills, while attitude and responsibility behavior are strengthened by presenting local, national and global environmental issues. Through one group pre-posttest design, 30 high school students in South Sumatra as youth generation were involved in this research. Students’ EL is measured by 66 questions EL domain. The results showed that students' verbal commitment got the highest n-gain score (0.62 medium), while environmental sensitivity was the smallest (0.2 low). These results indicate that verbally students or youth generation already know how to conserve the environment. Cultivation of environmental conservation habits could be continuously improved by realizing their verbal ideas.

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