Luqmanul Hakiem Ajuna


Some people agreed that trade transaction can give great
advantages to develop the region. The transaction should be
done properly therefore both of the sides get the benefit. It will
be done if we apply the principle of Syari‟ah. Since Islam
spread out by the Prophet Muhammad Saw, it is already well
organized from the process until the detail things. Trade in
Islam will be valid if they fulfilled all the requirements and
obedient all the pillars. The problem is mostly happened in
khiyar. Most of the people do not understand well what it is
and how to apply khiyar itself. They should be already known
about it before they want to do the transaction. According to
Hadist of Moslem they are not allowed to enter the market if
they do not know the rules. By applying Syari‟ah trade
transaction hopefully can give calm and pleasure to everyone
and the most important thing is get bless from Allah SWT.


Transaction, al-bai‟, trade, khiyar

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/bisnis.v4i2.2691


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