Abdurrohman kasdi


The market is the place to accommodate the results of the
production and sell them to those in need. Islam set so that the
competition in the market is done with fair, every form that can
cause the injustice is forbidden by Islam. Reduce weights
banned because of goods sold with the same price for the
amount less. Hide the flawed goods forbidden, because the
seller was getting a good for a bad quality. Changed the dried
dates with palms wet forbidden, because the quantity of wet
dates when dry can be so does not match with the dried dates
that changed. For the community of Demak, Markets Bintoro is
a parent market that has historical value. The market is known
as the shopping center the results of earth City Mayor since
colonial times. Various trade activities done at the site.
Discounted Rates the results of the earth which is high enough
in the place is the sale and purchase of staple food, especially
rice. In the context of the request and the offer, kemanfaatanlah
that move the demand in the market Bintoro Demak. If the
benefit something very large, then the request will also be
larger, so also on the contrary.


Request, Price Offer Sharia Business

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