Abdiansyah Linge, Upi Sopiah Ahmad


Alquran is a guidance of life for the people to get prosperity in
the world and beyond, Alquran implement a concept to
combine both of them. Economic activities is also studied in
holy quran, where holy quran talk about teory and concept in
economic system. One of studies that interest in this research
that have corelation with enterpreneurship, as an eforts to
develope human quality. Many of variable that influence
behaviour of person to do economic activities one of them is
culture. This research means to interest the people do
enterpreneurship and to increase it by using Alquran as
guidance.This study used a qualitative approach, with shades
of library research (library Risearch). This study also aims to
determine the Qur'anic concept of entreprenuership, as well as
ethnology relation to the formation of a person's interest to
behave entreprenuership. Patterned with qualitative research
literature research can be concluded: the Qur'an has economic
theories with the concept tijarah including entreprenuership.
The concept and value of economic value contained in the
Qur'an into the basic motivation of behavior entreprenuers
Muslims, the Qur'an which emphasizes benefit of the people,
justice that promotes ethical behavior in each business process,
became the basic philosophy in conducting economic activities,
including the activities entreprenuership. Second, the idea of
the results of the concept of human thought and activity in the
form of economic behavior contained in a culture that became
hereditary behavior in public when adjusted to the economic
value contained in the Qur'an will awaken the concept or
theory about sharia entreprenuership.


Entreprenuership, Qur‟an, Ethnology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/bisnis.v4i2.2687


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