Rahmat Ilyas


Money is usability standards contained in the goods and labor.
Money is defined as anything that is used to measure the type
of goods and labor. Suppose the price is standra for goods,
while the wage is the standard for humans, each of which is an
estimate of the value of goods and the power of people.
Estimated values of goods and services wherever the land is
represented by units, the units which is the standard used to
measure the usefulness of goods and labor that became a
medium of exchange (medium of exchange) and is called the
unit of money In the Islamic concept, money is a flow concept.
Islam does not recognize the motives need money because they
do not allow for speculation. Money is a good public,
community property. Therefore, hoarding money is left
unproductive mean reducing the money supply.


Money and Comodity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/bisnis.v4i1.1695


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