Table of Contents
The Development of an Educational Statistics Module Based on a Guided Discovery Learning Model Oriented to Students’ Statistical Literacy
DOI : 10.21043/jpmk.v7i2.29017
M Hafiz, Ahmad Dimyati, Finola Marta Putri
Solving PISA-like Quantity Content: Mathematical Literacy Students Viewed by Level of Mathematical Logic Intelligence
DOI : 10.21043/jpmk.v7i2.26069
Annisa Alvi Elyasarikh, Masriyah Masriyah
Ethnomathematics Exploration of Simo Dance and Gringsing Batik Dance from Batang Central Java in Mathematics Learning
DOI : 10.21043/jpmk.v7i2.28646
Ahmad Faridh Ricky Fahmy, Moh. Alwi Andiansyah Saputra, Kevin Fredika Shandy
Cognitive Exploration of Mathematics Teachers in the Lesson Study Model Through Metacognitive Skills to Enhance Digital Competence in Independent Learning
DOI : 10.21043/jpmk.v7i2.28697
Djatmiko Hidajat, Dewi Susilowati, Anisa Prima Exata, Krisdianto Hadiprasetyo
Development of Teaching Materials Oriented to Numeracy Literacy and Socio-Cultural Literacy for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
DOI : 10.21043/jpmk.v7i2.29232
Abi Fadila, Rahman Hakim, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Riyama Ambarwati