Scientific Work of Pre-Service Science Teacher in Basic Physics Practicum: Analysis of Major Background with Scientific Work Capabilities

Faiq Makhdum Noor, Henry Setya Budhi, Dody Rahayu Prasetyo


Basic Physics Practicum is a course taken by the pre-service science teacher of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Kudus. Pre-service science teachers are required to carry out scientific work in the practicum. Scientific work includes scientific attitudes, scientific communication, and scientific process skills. The problem in this research is how the level of scientific work of pre-service science teachers who have different fields of study background in high school. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of scientific work of pre-service science teachers who have different fields of study background in high school. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method in which research data are obtained through instruments in the form of questionnaire sheets and observation sheets. Based on the results of the study note that the ability to work scientifically which includes scientific attitudes, scientific communication, and scientific process skills possessed by a pre-service science teacherwith non-natural science backgrounds is lower than with the natural science ones. These results provide input to the lecturer team to revise the practicum draft that has been prepared so that it is more effective in improving the scientific workability, especially for pre-service science teachers with non-natural backgrounds.

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