The Effectiveness of Constructivist Learning Using Guided Discovery Models on The Concept of A Regulatory System for Curiosity and Anti-Narcotics Attitudes

Sulasfiana Alfi Raida, Didi Nur Jamaludin


This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of constructivist learning using guided discovery models on the concept of a regulatory system for curiosity and anti-narcotics attitudes. This research used a quasi-experimental and pre-experimental design. The population was all of the 4th semester MIA classes of SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga which consists of seven classes. Samples were taken with a convenience sampling technique.  MIA 2.4 and 5.4 as the experimental group and MIA 3.4 and 4.4 as the control group. The data in this research were collected by the scale of curiosity and anti-narcotics attitude. Data were analyzed with descriptive analyzed and t-test. The result showed as follows: there is a significant difference at the end of the curiosity and anti-narcotics attitude of constructivist learning using guided discovery model compared with direct instruction model learning; the average of student’s curiosity and anti-narcotics attitude score ≥ 3,00 on constructivist learning using guided discovery model. It is concluded that constructivist learning using a guided discovery model is effectively completed learning outcomes of the curiosity and anti-narcotics attitude on the regulatory system concept.

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