The influence of educational comics on the concept of static electricity toward student’s learning outcomes and communication skills

Dewi Dewantara


This article aims to investigate the effect of educational comics about static electricity on student learning outcomes and student communication skills. The research subjects were students of the Physics Education Study Program at Lambung Mangkurat University Academic Year 2019/2020. The research design used was one group pretest-posttest design. Student learning outcomes data obtained from student learning outcomes tests. Data on students' communication skills were obtained from observation sheets. The results of the pretest and posttest were then tested for normality and homogeneity which showed that the data were normally distributed and the variants were homogeneous. Then, the data were tested for the significance of differences using the paired t-test. The Sig (2-tailed) test results show a number below 0.05 so there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results. The effectiveness of the use of educational comics is tested using the N-gain test to determine its effectiveness category. The N-gain test result is 0.705 so the N-gain test result is categorized high. Overall student communication skills are included in both categories. This result is supported by students' responses to educational comics which are overall well categorized. This article concludes that there is an educational comic effect on static electricity towards student learning outcomes and communication skills.

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