Biblioterapi Bagi Pasien Dalam Pengawasan dan Positif Covid-19

Rizki Nurislaminingsih, Yunus Winoto


The Corona outbreak is causing concern for the community, especially for people who are declared Pasien Dalam Pengawasan and Positif COVID-19. Status of people with diseases that have a risk of death and can transmitte others is a cause of anxiety for them. The necessity of undergoing a period of isolation in the hospital resulted in boredom and boredom. This then becomes the patient's mental burden increasingly heavy. Seeing this reality, it takes an effort to calm their minds so as not to turn into depression. One thing that can be done is bibliotherapy. Therapy using this book is an easy and inexpensive therapy and can be done independently by patients without having to leave the treatment room. Under the supervision of psychiatric and psychology experts assisted by librarians as the appropriate book references, patients can treat themselves during the healing period. If this stage does not produce maximum results then continued with regular therapy in consultation with the two experts. Another thing that can be done by librarians to help reduce the burden on the patient's mind is to offer to be a discussion partner to review the contents of the book with the patient. In this activity the librarian does not play a role as a therapist, only as a facilitator so that patients are willing to read books and are enthusiastic to talk about the contents of the book. This is expected to be useful to divert the patient's attention so as not to remain in anxiety and dissolve in sadness.


Bibliotherapy, Mental Burden, Pasien Dalam Pengawasan and Positif COVID-19

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