Implementation of Web-Based School Library Information System Design with RAD Method Approach

Diva Berta Anastasya, Salsa Fauziah, Hendro Margono


In the current era, several school libraries have implemented the design of web-based school library information systems using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach. The primary objective of this method is to enhance efficiency and accessibility in managing an organization/institution. This research aims to ascertain the advantages of the RAD method in the development of school library information systems. The research methodology employs a literature review by gathering relevant literature materials about the topic. The RAD method was chosen because it allows for rapid and iterative development, aligning with the dynamics of changing user needs and technology. The system is designed to support collection management, borrowing, and book searching effectively. The analysis results indicate that the implementation of the RAD Method in designing library information systems yields several positive impacts on the development of school library websites, namely, firstly, providing quick responses to user needs; secondly, improving previous systems; and finally, achieving relatively faster development compared to traditional software development methods.

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