Peran Perpustakaan Rosella Genematrik dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Anak-Anak di Wilayah Pontianak Utara

Wulan Sari, Atiqa Nur Latifa Hanum, Sisilya Saman Madeten


The culture of literacy is currently being promoted massively because of its potential in building the quality of the nation. Literacy does not grow by itself, it needs support such as libraries that provides sources of information, therefore there is a role carried out by libraries in supporting literacy. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the Rosella Genematrik Library, obstacles, efforts to hdanling literacy problems in children in the North Pontianak, especially in Siantan Tengah. The research used qualitative methods with data collection techniques such as observations dan in-depth interviews with 6 informants, dan documentation. Data analysis techniques using reduction, presentation, dan then drawing conclusions. Data validity tests using triangulation. The results showed that the Rosella Genematrik Library acts as a source of information, a non- formal educational institution, as well as a facilitator, mediator dan motivator. The role of libraries in improving children's literacy has not been fully realized due to several obstacles such as human resources, insufficient medium, dan the attention dan interest of the surrounding community. The efforts made to alleviate the existing problems are to provide comfort dan satisfaction in finding the information they need dan promoting them to the local community.

Keywords: Literacy, library role, reading culture

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