Analisis Kepuasan Calon Guru Matematika terhadap Layanan dan Fasilitas Perpustakaan

Fadillatul Muqoddaroh, Mustofa Mustofa, Putri Nur Malasari


This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the satisfaction of prospective mathematics teachers with the services and facilities of the IAIN Kudus library. The library service indicators used in this study are the friendliness of librarians, the speed of librarians' services, librarians' initiatives, and librarians' mastery of library book collections. Meanwhile, the indicators of library facilities used in this study are book collections and reading rooms. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive type. The data collection technique in this study uses triangulation techniques, namely observation, questionnaire, and literature review. The questionnaire was distributed to IAIN Kudus mathematics education students as prospective mathematics teachers in the 2018-2021 batch, so that 56 respondents were obtained. The questionnaire was distributed on February 1-2, 2022 by containing four answers, namely very satisfied, satisfied, moderately satisfied, and dissatisfied which were then given scores of 4, 3, 2, and 1 from each answer. The score is used to find the average score with the formula X = . The calculation of the average score is then classified using intervals through the formula I = . The results of the calculation stated that the services and facilities of the IAIN Kudus library provided satisfaction at the level of satisfaction to prospective mathematics teachers with an average score of 3.01 and 3.18, respectively.

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