Peran Penghulu Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Perpustakaan Bintang Cemerlang Berbasis Inklusi Sosial di Kampung Maredan Barat Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak

Cantika Putri, Daeng Ayub, Wilson Wilson


A penghulu has a position or role that is unusual or even very important in all stages of implementing the village government towards the welfare of its citizens. The existence of a penghulu is one of the most respected and respected individuals in the community. In the library, the lord of the kadi or the Penghulu has a big role in the progress of libraries based on social inclusion. Libraries based on social inclusion are included in one of the approaches to assist in services provided by libraries that have the principle of improving the quality of life and the welfare of its citizens in society. This study has a goal in the study, namely to explore the position of the penghulu in terms of improving Bintang Cemerlang library services based on social inclusion. The type of research used in this study is research with a qualitative approach using qualitative descriptive methods. The qualitative descriptive method was used to examine the actual (natural) state of the object in the Maredan Barat Village area, Tualang District, Siak Regency. The method used in collecting information in this study is in the form of documentation, observation, and interviews. The way to analyze the information in this study is in the form of a technique that analyzes the data qualitatively. The conclusion from this study shows that the role of the penghulu in improving Bintang Cemerlang library services based on social inclusion in Maredan Barat Village, Tualang District, Siak Regency has been carried out optimally. This matter can be reviewed in the sub-focus of motivator, facilitator, and mobilizer. In this sub-focus, the penghulu seeks to motivate the community through improving library facilities and infrastructure, as well as facilitating the library staff and the community to participate in the training provided. Penghulu participates in mobilizing the community to participate in improving library services.

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