Development of ICIMAI (Islam Cinta Damai) Comics to Improve Elementary School Students' Tolerance Character

Rabiatul Adawiyah, Nur Hamid, Sa’diyah Sa’diyah, Elvara Norma Aroyandini, Nur Kholis, Beta Pujangga Mukti


The concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika exemplifies the diversity of Indonesia while emphasizing its ability to harmoniously unite these differences. However, today conflicts often arise in society caused by differences. The inculcation of multiculturalism in education in schools is thus essential, especially regarding the character of tolerance. Therefore, Research and Development (R&D) research was carried out with the ADDIE development model, which aims to develop and produce ICIMAI comics that link examples of intolerant everyday practices with Islamic values, expected to help improve the tolerance character of students. The development involved media experts, material experts, practitioners, or teachers who evaluated the product. In addition, product tests were also conducted on a limited scale and in the field, each of which involved elementary school students. The results revealed that experts and practitioners declared that the product is in the "Very Good" category, so it is feasible and valid. Students on the limited scale test gave a positive response. The tolerance character of students also experienced an increase, as indicated by a significant increase in tolerance scores after the intervention using ICIMAI comics.


comics, character, elementary school students, tolerance

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