The Determination of Factors Affecting Learning Outcomes of the Qur’an Memorization at MTs Yanbu’ Kudus Students

Ahmad Falah


The students' learning outcome of memorizing the Qur’ân is students' final ability to master memorization smoothly, precisely, and fluently. Numerous factors can affect student learning outcomes in memorizing the Qur’ân. This study, therefore, aims to examine the effect of memorization background on students' learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'ân, the effect of learning motivation on students' learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'ân, the effect of self-efficacy on students' learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'ân, the effect of Arabic language skills on students' learning outcomes of memorizing Al-Qur'ân, and simultaneously test the effect of the memorization background, learning motivation, self-efficacy, and Arabic language skills on students' learning outcomes of memorizing Al-Qur'ân. The research used a quantitative approach with a correlational type. The research population was all students in grades VII, VIII, and IX of MTs Yanbû' Al-Qur'ân Kudus, totaling 495 students. Meanwhile, using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique, the research sample of 120 students was obtained. The data were collected using a questionnaire, test, and documentation. The data collected were then analyzed by simple and multiple linear regression analysis utilizing the SPPS version 24.0 application. The data analysis results revealed that the determinants affecting the learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'an indicated that individually, (1) the memorization background had a significant effect of 6.0% on the learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'an; learning motivation had a significant effect of 15.0% on the learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'an; self-efficacy had a significant effect of 14.0% on the learning outcomes of memorizing the Qur'an. Meanwhile, students' Arabic skills had no significant effect of 0.01% on the learning outcomes of memorizing Al-Qur'ân. (2) Together, memorization background, learning motivation, self-efficacy, and Arabic language skills had an effect of 20.9% on the learning outcomes of memorizing Al-Qur'an. 


Memorization Background, Learning Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Arabic Language Skills, Memorization Learning Outcomes, MTs Students Yanbû’ Kudus

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