Eja Armaz Hardi


The development of the sect of the sect of the conventional
economic science gave birth to two large flows in the economic system
of the countries in the world. The First, the classic economic ideologies
known with monetary policy in order to maintain the stability of the
state keekonomian. The second, understands the modern economy
that focusing the policy of the government in the fiscal sector. In the
middle of the rivalry between two economic ideologies, on the decade
of the 1970s in gagaslah an economic system which is considered as the
solution to accommodate the problems faced by a negra. The Islamic
economy with the basic philosophy that tend to be outside of the
mainstream economy offers the principle of values and the purpose of
the comprehensive and universal.
In the economic system countries there financial institutions
Banks and non-bank. In the adjacent is the author
membahasakan one of non-bank financial institutions, namely
insurance. As in conventional financial institutions there are
insurance, so also on the sharia financial institutions have sharia
insurance named with takaful. The subject of done author is gives a
comparison between the conventional insurance and takaful. So that
can provide a description of the opportunities takaful development in
Indonesia as a whole.
The Annual Report Bappepam-LK 2011 syariah insurance
(takaful) number of wealth and investment funds owned by Rp9,2
Trillion and Rp7,8 Triliundan growth that occurs on this industry
of 31,94% and 33,76%. From this study by relying on the principle that
is owned by the takaful conclusion can be that takaful in Indonesia
still have opportunities that is large enough to perform the expansion
of the market by touching the middle to society.


Insurance, Shari›a, Takaful, Islamic Economy

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