Dharma Setyawan


This Research reveals the role of the Community Cup Kamisan.
A community that started its operations from discussions talk think
(cups) in the core of the house of the host. Anxiety the pegiatnya
consisting of academics, activists, journalists, citizen, teachers,
businessmen, were enterprising, and various creative community
city. Kamisan Cup community is attempting to revive the role of the
various entities in the City Metro Lampung with spirit to build the
collective intellectual property. Lampung province which is known
with various ethnic conflict, through collective intellectual movement
is starting to realize the importance of building togetherness. Borrowed
the term Arnold J. Toynbe namely build «creative minority” namely Cups
Kamisan community efforts to build the city with the empowerment of
various community entities.
Kamisan Cup community is a multicultural community who
are also trying to develop a creative economy. Consists of various
backgrounds from academics, Student activists, journalists, creative
citizens, religious leaders unite the idea of building a social movement.
Many changes occur from build Citizen journalism portal pojoksamber.
com, House Together, research institution Sai Wawai Institute,
publication of indie Sai Wawai Publishing, and establish Waste Bank
Green cups. In addition many movements of other creative economy
that is done by this community. E.g. with began to build the other
creative economy documentary, music, and handicrafts.
Intellectual Property and the community experienced a
because it is based on the logic of politics and keilmuwan at the time
of the formation of the term intellectual property. “intellectuals” born
from social classes who do claim against the injustice done by the state.
The state since the formation, have special characters in the form of
domination. In the second phase of the state that is free, that domination
continues to the community. In this case, researchers intend to explore
the role of the Community Cup Kamisan answer the challenge in
building the structure of the output of the community and are able
to progress and work for the community. The collective intellectual
discourse interesting to examined as part of the responsibility of
universities build changes through the way intellectualism naturally
dissipate namely knowledge. The meaning of this research is to
examine more in the role of the Community Cup Kamisan in building
the creative economy in the City of Metro Lampunng


Collective intellectual, Community Cups Kamisan, Creative Economy

Full Text:



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