Job Embeddedness sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pengaruh Leader Member Exchange dan Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Job Insecurity Karyawan di Beberapa Bank Syariah

Muhammad Zakiy, Farikha Aeni


The adaptability of the relationship between leader-member and organizational support effect of job insecurity that appears in employees. This adaptability can be seen from the influence of leader-member exchange and perceived organizational support which can lead to job insecurity. This study aims to examine the effect of leader-member exchange and perceived organizational support on job insecurity with job embeddedness as an intervening variable. The objects of this research are 3 syariah banking such as Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank Muamalat and Bank Madina Syariah. This research is quantitative. The sample used in this study was 257 respondents obtained by the non-probability sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire, analyzed using SmartPLS version 3.2.8. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive influence between leader-member exchange on job embeddedness, perceived organizational support has a positive effect on job embeddedness, job embeddedness has no effect on job insecurity, the leader-member exchange has no effect on job insecurity, and perceived organizational support has a negative effect on job insecurity.


leader member exchange, perceived organizational support, job insecurity and job embeddedness.


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