Dinamika Pengembangan Sistem Pendidikan (Kerangka Dasar Potensi Anak Usia Dini)

Amin Nasir


The pattern of learning in early childhood should be built based
on the growth and development of children whose implementation is packed
appropriately in accordance with the child’s world, that is playing, drawing,
singing and watching cartoons. All of them are a routine activity that is great
fun for children, as well as through playing, drawing, singing children will learn
Growth of children is different with their development. The growth is more
quantitative, whereas the development refers to the qualitative parameters.
Thus, the meaning of early childhood development is the advancement of the
quality of physical function, psychological and synergy of both. Early childhood
development that need to be considered further attention include areas: motor
skills, physical function, cognitive ability, language skills, and the ability of


Development; systems; Dynamics; Early Childhood

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http://www. b p p l s p - r e g 4 . g o . i d / i n d ex . p h p ? o p t i o n = c o m _


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thufula.v2i2.4638


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