Menggali Potensi Kecerdasan Anak Melalui Pendekatan Spiritual
Intellectual and spiritual intelligence are like a coin that cannot be
separated beside emotional intelligence to determine one’s success. However,
there is a trend that could determine the top, not only success but also
happiness. It is spiritual intelligence that will raise our consciousness as the
inheritors of the earth. Thus, we will be useful not only for ourselves but also for
the sustainability of the people around us. Spiritual intelligence is not growing
as an adult, but must be nurtured and raised and trained from an early age
so that individuals would become superior. Therefore it is very regrettable for
parents, because it represents happiness of our children in their life. When the
spiritual intelligence is high then someone will easily achieve the happiness.
But otherwise it will be difficult ito someone to feel it. How important it is for
our next generation (children), because it is the heart or essence of a person’s
life purpose human child
Full Text:
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